

The PVES school counseling program will create an environment to show excellence every day in academics, social/emotional growth, and career development.


The mission of PVES school counseling department is to encourage students to be self-reflective, set high expectations and be risk takers through academic, career and social/emotional development throughout the school day through

  1. School counseling lessons, small groups, and individual counseling; and
  2. Work with the school stakeholders to provide a nurturing, supportive and positive school environment (climate).

School Counselors

  • Provide classroom guidance as a schoolwide socio-emotional support. Classroom lessons are 30 minutes once a month.
  • Provide short term (six weeks or less) counseling on an individual and small group basis based on demonstrated need.
  • Utilize data to create a comprehensive school counseling program, tailored to the needs of their school community.
  • Connect families to community counseling resources if needed.
  • Meet with educators, parents, and community partners to advocate for overall student wellness and achievement.

Classroom Guidance Lesson Topics Include

  • Learning Strategies (Listening, Following Directions)
  • Zones of Regulation (for emotional regulation and communication)
  • Medicine Safety (required lesson for all students in Prince William County unless parent opts out of participating)
  • Goal Setting
  • College and Career Exploration using Virginia Wizard
  • Body Safety (required lesson for all students in Prince William County unless parent opts out of participating)
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Transitioning to the next grade (takes place at the end of the year)
  • ...and much more depending on the needs of our students!

Learn about PWCS School Counseling objectives for each grade level.